Our Story.
Oct 2005 my husband and I go out for dinner in Moose Jaw and make the decision to try and have a baby. Ed Had a vasectomy and our first decision was to have it reversed. (step 1)
Feb 06 - Ed has the surgery, and upon his healing we to try to get pregnant.
During this time we also start to talk about adoption. We get in touch with our local social worker who sends us a package about adoption and all the options. We begin researching adoptions and are pulled to the China program.
At the end of March we get in touch with our social worker and decide to pursue an international adoption through China and start the ball rolling.
In March we get in touch with FOI and register.
In April 06 we meet with the social worker who will do our home study. We need to do it quickly since Ed will be going to St.Jean for training in May and will not be back home until Aug.
April 11 06 We commence our home study and complete all aspects of it.
Unfortunately our social worker cannot finalize it until Aug when Ed comes home.
While Ed is away, I continue to gather original copies of Birth and marriage certificates, and other documents required for the adoption.
Aug 2006, Ed comes home and we get our home study finalized by the end of the month and on its way to FOI, then China.
In Nov 06 we are informed that we have a log in date of Oct 29 2006, and we are just thrilled. We expect to have our daughter home by the following Oct. During this time we also find out the surgery did not work. Though we are very disappointed it is quickly replaced by the joy of adoption and the anticipation of have a child in a year.
Almost immediately rumors of a wait time of 18 months starts to trickle down. By Jan 07 the wait time is rumored to be between 18-24 months. We contact FOI and this is confirmed. We are very disappointed but still optimistic. We can wait a little longer.
In the Spring of 07 the wait times are now anticipated to be 3 years. Again FOI confirms this. We talk to our social worker who mentions she has just heard of a brand new program in Canada with Taiwan. She gives us the number of the agency and we call to ask some questions.
After more research and many phone calls the decision is made to register with the new agency for Taiwan in May 07. The program is so new, the agency does not yet have signed contracts in place for Taiwan, we start to wait.
June 26 2007 Contracts are signed between Taiwan and our new agency. We press forward updating our home study.
July 24 2007, our dossier is on its way to the agency for translation.
July 30 2007, we have made the heart braking decision to pull out of China. This was such a hard decision. We were unable to keep our files in both countries, our Province would not allow it.
29 July 2007
- We are thrilled to finally have our home study completed and in the hands of the wonderful people at Choices for translation. We are eagerly awaiting word that the translation is complete and our home study is on its way to Taiwan.
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